Monday, October 18, 2021

Book Review: Super Easy by Ree Drummond (aka The Pioneer Woman)

Earlier this evening, I attended a book signing for The Pioneer Woman's latest cookbook: Super Easy.  The official release date isn't until tomorrow, but thanks to the signing event, I was able to get my hands on a copy today. I own ALL of her cookbooks, and I have to admit, this latest one might just be my new favorite. 

I own 5 of Ree's cookbooks (three of which I've gotten signed at Meet & Greet events) and thus far, the Dinnertime book is the one I've gotten the most use out of (especially the Vodka sauce recipe and Coconut Curry Shrimp).

Now that I've had a chance to peruse the Super Easy book, there are a bunch of recipes I'm itching to try. What I like about it is that the recipes incorporate some sensible shortcuts (pre-made sauces, spice mixes, frozen pre-cut veggies, etc.) that cut down on the prep time considerably, without sacrificing flavor. She's got everything from "Mug Omelettes" for a quick and easy breakfast to "Mug Cakes" for a speedy and satisfying dessert/late night snack. 

There's even a recipe that incorporates ramen noodles, and a "hamburger helper inspired" pasta and ground beef dish that offers all of the convenience of a pre-packaged meal without the usual preservatives. 

Super Easy is available tomorrow, but is already #1 on Amazon's bestseller list.  

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