Sunday, December 20, 2020

Sourdough Waffles!
Yes, I know it's become a pandemic cliche' at this point, but I have been making sourdough bread for the past few months, and really enjoying it.  The one thing I don't enjoy, however, is having to "discard" some of the dough when I don't the time to actually make a loaf of bread. 

Fortunately, King Arthur's Flour offers up several recipes that use "discard" dough, including this one for Sourdough Waffles:

You have to plan ahead and make the "sourdough sponge" the night before, but the extra effort is well worth it. The recipe makes quite a few pancakes and/or waffles, but the good news is, they freeze well and can be easily re-heated in the toaster or microwave. 

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