Sunday, May 3, 2020

Quarantine Puzzles

Like many people observing the stay-at-home restrictions in the NY/NJ area, we've been spending time doing jigsaw puzzles. It took awhile to get the hang of it again--I cannot remember the last time I attempted a puzzle before this crisis, but it's safe to say the only ones we've had in our house before this were Barney the Dinosaur or Winnie the Pooh themed.  It's turned out to be a relaxing activity that our entire family is enjoying. We all pitch in at various times, and there is a certain satisfaction in popping in that last piece.  We've completed 4 of them already, with a bunch more waiting in the wings.  Our local Hallmark store had to close its doors to customers because of the social distancing restricting, but is doing a brisk online business with their puzzle collection, and we're happy to support small business owners during this time. It's a win-win for everyone!

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