Thursday, November 23, 2017
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Modern Baby Furniture? No.
Flipping through a parenting magazine in a waiting room, trying to familiarize myself with what "new moms" are into these days.
What the heck kind of Rosemary's Baby decor is this?
Posted by
Lisa Yak
11:54 AM
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
REVIEW: PB & J Oreos
I kept hoping I'd stumble upon them somewhere, but alas--I had to end up ordering them through Amazon. Here's a link, if you're inclined to do the same.
The only down side is that they were more expensive than I'm used to paying--that link above is for only one package, and it's around $11. If you trust me that you're going to love these, then go ahead and use THIS link on Amazon, to order two packages for $13.
And YES, you'll be glad you did.
This is one of my favorite Limited Edition flavors thus far, and I'm not even a huge fan of PB&J. One of the things I look for is how authentic the flavor is--how close it comes to what it's supposed to taste like--and the balance between that flavor and the rest of the cookie. These were pretty darn near perfect. I wanted a little more jelly flavor in the first one I tried, but my husband said he'd prefer a touch more peanut butter, so I think it depends on which cookie you grab first. Overall, I think the ratio is just right.
The other criteria that I use for whether or not these Limited Edition flavors are worth purchasing is whether or not the flavor they're imitating can be achieved just as easily, or almost as easily, if you go ahead and make the real thing. For example: Blueberry Pie Oreos are really good, and it's much easier to rip open a package of Oreos than to bake an entire pie. You could also purchase a pre-made pie, but the calories in a slice of pie would be higher than in the Oreos, so I would still prefer to go that route.
While I'm all too familiar with how easy it is to make a PB&J sandwich--it's what I pack for my picky-eater's lunch nearly every single day of the week--I think these Oreos meet the "easier than the real thing" criteria quite nicely. You get a very similar flavor profile, but without having to actually make a sandwich--count me in!
Final grade: A
Posted by
Lisa Yak
3:32 PM
Sunday, November 5, 2017
REVIEW: Hot Cocoa Oreos
Well, this was a pleasant surprise: I was shopping at my local grocery store yesterday, and stumbled up on an new Limited Edition Oreo flavor that I hadn't known about. (Within minutes of a new flavor being announced, I am typically bombarded with messages and Facebook tags from friends who know about my little "Oreo Taste Test" hobby and want to make sure I get a heads up. I love these people.)
My first thought upon seeing Hot Cocoa Oreo cookies: this has got to be a home run for Nabisco. How can you possibly mess this up?
Don't worry, they didn't--but this one didn't exactly rock my world, either.
The outside is the traditional chocolate Oreo sandwich cookie, and the filling inside is a combination of marshmallow flavored creme and cocoa creme. Visually, it looks inviting, so that's a plus, but when you take a's Oreo. The white creme is very similar to standard Oreo filling, and the cocoa creme is overpowered by the chocolate in the sandwich cookie, so all you get is the standard Oreo flavor you've come to know, with maybe a hint of cocoa at the finish.
THE VERDICT: I would rate Hot Cocoa Oreo Cookies a B+, but honestly, that's a teeny bit generous. There's no denying that they're tasty, but there's nothing extra-special about them, other than the concept of "hot cocoa in a cookie." I wouldn't bother buying these again, because the Limited Edition packs tend to be smaller and more pricey than the standard Oreo packages, and there's no reason to pay more for what is basically the same flavor profile.
To purchase these on Amazon, click HERE.
Posted by
Lisa Yak
10:07 AM