Most days, I work out of a home office. I know how lucky I am to have that opportunity, especially after so many years spent commuting every single day.

Nevertheless, the sirens and car horns and other noises of NYC would be a welcome respite to what I endure now: the constant drone of lawnmowers, particularly at this time of year. I understand that the landscaper that maintains the properties around me is only doing his job, but I swear, he goes into some sort of a trance when he's got that leaf blower going. He just shuffles along, swaying the blower from side to side slowly, for HOURS. The noise is deafening--but, unlike myself, he's wearing huge headphones to drown out the sound. Not exactly an option when I'm on conference calls or trying to go about my daily tasks.
Dear Universe: someone needs to invent a leaf blowing machine that automatically shuts off after 1 hour of continuous use, and cannot be turned on again for at least 30 minutes after that. My ears would be immensely grateful. Thanks in advance.
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