Saturday, May 17, 2014

Some guy in Utah wants to bring back the Firing Squad....seriously

I just read a report that Paul Ray, a lawmaker in Utah, wants to bring back the Firing Squad as a more reliable method of implementing the Death Penalty.  According to the news report, the last time the firing squad was used to execute a prisoner in Utah 2010.

Because, nothing sends a message that "murder is wrong" like murdering someone?

Inmates on death row are there because they have committed horrible crimes, but I still do not believe that the death penalty is the answer to deterring violent criminals. Murderers, by definition, do not value human life enough to preserve it--why then do some believe that threatening them with death will somehow stop them from killing?

Murder is wrong...and so is the death penalty.  I believe it diminishes us as a society to put criminals to death.

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